Opening the Door
to a Brighter Future

True bliss is living life at ease. This site is for all survivors of any type throughout all the world.

Opening the Door to a Brighter Future, Book Cover
Hi friends!

The book my mom and I have been working on for so long has come out; "Opening the Door to a Brighter Future: Top Ten Keys To Help You Get There." It's about the top ten key strategies for sucessfully living with a disability. In the first part of the book, my mom and I discuss dealing with traumatic brain injury; in the second part, we've included responses from 7 survivors of various disabilities. They share writings on how they handle their diverse challenges, using the same keys. It is eye opening to read the similarities as well as the differences individuals use. Living with a disabling condition requires one to dig deep be resourcefull. We do our best to be successful.

Daniel Windheim

Opening the Door to a Brighter Future:
Top Ten Keys To Help You Get There

Click "Purchase Now" to obtain your copy!


Dan Windheim

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