Since then, I have worked extremely hard to make my life better, and more productive.
Since my injury I have accomplished many things and was able to complete many of my goals. Remaining active in life and getting enjoyment has allowed me to remain on track. I continue exercising on a daily basis; read books & magazines, watch educational T.V., enjoy good cups of coffee, listen to music, and remain in contact with friends and family. These are just some of the things I do during my life. They help me to get through some of the less pleasant things; working at my library job, paying my bills, and when I become bored or feel lonesome.
In this site, you will find a survey I have put together about "Recreation and Leisure." Please take the time to fill it out, and let me know how you deal with anger, frustrations, and times of boredom you experience in your life.
My work on my web page and corresponding with other survivors is continuous and well worth it. My goal still remains, to raise awareness of this silent epidemic, and to share my book with those who can benefit from it.
Thank you!

Daniel Windheim
When I started this web site, it's purpose was to reach survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury, but I have learned that we all are more alike than different. Therefore, we are now in the process of expanding our community and our resources, to INCLUDE ALL DISABILITIES, so we can share with and benefit individuals with disabilities of any kind, as well as family and friends who care for survivors and are interested in learning more. We continue to discuss and outline the impact of living one's life with disabilities or after a TBI injury, and come together with common issues that arise. Please share this info with others who may benefit from this resource.
Included in this site, you will find information about TBI; responses by TBI survivors throughout the world on various aspects of their lives; the opportunity to contribute your feedback about living with TBI or your disability; my own writings on my own experiences; and information about my books for purchase. This is a resource for us; and there is much here of great value.
I would like to thank those individuals who have and are taking the time to send me information about their lives and experiences regarding their injuries.
For those survivors who are first time visitors, please take time to submit your contributions to my online feedback questionnaire.
I am also in the process of beginning a new book on TBI. It will focus on the frustrations and anger we may now experience, and the different ways we remedy our situation. I am asking you to assist me in my endeavor. Write down your own thoughts and feelings concerning your head injury. Tell me about yourself, both before and after your injury. What motivates you, and keeps you on the road back. Include thoughts about your future; and where you see assistance for H.I. survivors on the road ahead. Tell me how your injury affected you; both physically and cognitively. Give me examples of what ways your disability disrupts your life. You can also include feedback from friends and family.
All information will be kept confidential if you wish; just let me know. And please enjoy my writings. I think we have something special here; both for others, as well as ourselves.